Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2019/2020

This course is designed to give students a good grounding particularly in writing and
spoken style for business communication. Providing ample examples of written and spoken
communication in English, the course is not home to one-for-all set of model documents; rather,
it is designed to hone students’ understanding in business communication for them to be able to
adapt in a workplace situation.

Capaian Pembelajaran
  • 1. Understand how the English language is used in spoken and written communication in various
    business situations, such as meetings, presentations, interviews, and business letters

  • 2. Demonstrate the use of English in spoken and written communication and in various business
    situations, such as meetings, presentations, interviews, and business letters

  • 3. recognize the features of different genres of business correspondence, such as memos, emails,
    and business letters as well as business articles and essays

  • 4. use specialist vocabulary in formal business and colloquial business jargon

Daftar Pustaka:
  • Bennie, Michael. 2009. A Guide to Good Business Communication: How to Write and Speak English
    Well in Everyday Business Situation (5 th Edn.). Oxford: How To Content.

  • Emmerson, Paul and Hamilton, Nick. 2005. Five-Minute Activities for Business English. Cambridge:
    Cambridge University Press.

  • Talbot, Fiona. 2009. How to Write Effective Business English: The Essential Toolkit for Composing
    Powerful Letters, Emails and more, for Today’s Business Needs (1 st Edn.). London and
    Philadelphia: Kogan Page.

  • Talbot, Fiona, 2009. Executive Writing Skills for Managers: Master Word Power to Lead your Teams,
    make Strategic Links and Develop Relationships. London and Philadelphia: Kogan Page.