Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2019/2020

This course aims to equip students with the basic knowledge of the historical development of
English in order to have a proper balance between what may be called internal history – sounds
and inflections – and external history – the political, social, and intellectual forces that have
determined the course of the development at different periods

Capaian Pembelajaran
  • 1. Demonstrate familiarity in the development of English language structures that cover
    spelling, sounds, lexicons, and syntax.

  • 2. Demonstrate familiarity in the diachronic analysis of English language that includes
    before Old English, Old English, Middle English, Modern English, & World Englishes

Daftar Pustaka:
  • Schreier, D. & Hundt, M. 2013. English as a contact language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

  • Gelderen, E.V. 2006. A history of the English language. Amsterdam: John Benjamin Publishing

  • Jonathan, C. 2005. History of English. London: Routledge