Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2020/2021
This course is designed to cater for the need to publish research results prior to and subsequent to the completion of a dissertation. It assembles the results of the critical review stipulated as the main product of the course in Research Review in English Language Teaching and empirical data based on preliminary research for dissertation. The materials include, inter alia, (1) claim-making, evidentiality, and rhetorical consideration, (2) angling in data interpretation, (3) selectivity in data presentation, (4) issues around authorial voice, (5) ethical issues, (6) journal publication gate-keeping, and (7) issues around communication with journal editors. Activities in the course take the form of seminars, peer-editing, and writing clinics. The products of the course are working papers that are ready for submission to international journals.
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • At the end of the course, it is expected that the students will 1) have the ability to identify suitable reputed international journals for publication. 2) have the capability in making use of rhetorical devices to write research papers/articles in ELT for publication. 3) have the ability to appropriate their articles to the style of the target reputed international journals for publication.
Daftar Pustaka:
  • McMillan, K. and Weyers, J. 2013. How to Research and Write a Successful Ph.D. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Cargill, M. and O'Connor, P. 2013. Writing Scientific Research Articles: Strategy and Steps. Wiley-Balckwell.