Introduction to Linguistics

Introduction to Linguistics

Course modified date: 8 Feb 2021
Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2020/2021

This course is designed to provide students with introductory knowledge of language and linguistics; language as a reflection of the structure of the human mind and human culture, the various levels of linguistic structure (phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, and semantics), language use (pragmatics, discourse analysis, sociolinguistics), language as a social phenomenon (dialects, language change, taboos, language and sex roles) and language universals. The students are expected to apply linguistic knowledge in their academic/professional spheres and to do mini-research using ICT.

Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Distinguish some speculations on the origins of language along with the characteristic of human language

  • Identify major components in the internal structure of English language in terms of:
    Phonemes in English phonology.
    Morphemes in English morphology
    Major constituents in English syntax
    The nature of meanings and their relations in English semantics

  • Demonstrate an ability to distinguish basic patterns of English linguistic structure such as:
    Sound patterns
    Word-formation processes
    Sentence patterns covering constituent analysis and tree-diagram analysis
    Sense relation

  • Relate the nature of language use mainly when it deals with different contexts, individuals and societies

  • Compose a mini report on the students’ mini-research that concerns on observing the language use on students’ surroundings as well as presenting the data.

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