Pembelajaran Senam

Pembelajaran Senam

Course modified date: 25 Feb 2021
Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2020/2021
Matakuliah Pembelajaran Senam sebagai matakuliah yang akan membekali mahasiswa dengan pengetahuan teoritis dan praktis tentang Metode Mengajar aktifitas senam; Peraturan perlombaan dan Perwasitan; Manajemen Perlombaan senam; dan Pembinaan Kondisi Fisik senam
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Mampu meningkatkan kemampuan fisik
  • Terampil dalam melakukan cabang olahraga dan keterampilan motorik
  • Menguasai konsep dan teori belajar dan pembelajaran gerak, keterampilan olahraga dan pendidikan jasmani
Daftar Pustaka:
  • Adisuyanto, B., 2009. Cerdas dan Bugar dengan Senam Lantai. Jakarta: PT. Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia
  • Nassib, S.H., Mkaouer, B., Riahi, S.H., Wali, S.M. and Nassib, S., 2017. The precompetitive anxiety impacts immediately actual gymnastics’ performance or sustain during routine’s outcomes over the execution time. Sport Sciences for Health, 13(1), pp.165-173
  • Marshall, E.A. and Gibson, A.M., 2017. The effect of an imagery training intervention on self-confidence, anxiety and performance in acrobatic gymnastics–a pilot study. Journal of Imagery Research in Sport and Physical Activity, 12(1)
  • Mkaouer, B., Hammoudi-Nassib, S., Amara, S. and Chaabène, H., 2018. Evaluating the physical and basic gymnastics skills assessment for talent identification in men’s artistic gymnastics proposed by the International Gymnastics Federation. Biology of sport, 35(4), p.383
  • Agostini, B.R., Palomares, E.M.D.G., Andrade, R.D.A., Uchôa, F.N.M. and Alves, N., 2017. Analysis of the influence of plyometric training in improving the performance of athletes in rhythmic gymnastics. Motricidade, 13(2), pp.71-80
  • Essa, S.A.N., 2016. Effect of developing coordination abilities on improving performance level for gymnastics for all shows players. Journal of Applied Sports Science, 6(1)
  • Nassib, S.H., Mkaouer, B., Riahi, S.H., Wali, S.M. and Nassib, S., 2019. Prediction of gymnastics physical profile through an international program evaluation in women artistic gymnastics. The Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research
  • Aka, B.A., 2009. Cerdas dan bugar dengan senam lantai. Grasindo
  • Kango, A., 2007. Kemampuan Dasar senam lantai
  • Monem Jemni; et al. 2011. The science of gymnastics. New York. Routledge
  • American Sport Education Program. 2011. Coaching youth gymnastics. Champaign, IL. Human Kinetics
  • Caine, D. J. 2013. Handbook of Sports Medicine and Science: Gymnastics. USA. Wiley-Blackwell
  • Sholeh, M., 2010. Belajar Mengajar Senam Lantai
  • Abdollahipour, R., Wulf, G., Psotta, R. and Palomo Nieto, M., 2015. Performance of gymnastics skill benefits from an external focus of attention. Journal of Sports Sciences, 33(17), pp.1807-1813
  • Pion, J., Lenoir, M., Vandorpe, B. and Segers, V., 2015. Talent in female gymnastics: a survival analysis based upon performance characteristics. International journal of sports medicine, 94(11), pp.935-940