Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2021/2022
Coulomb’s Law: Coulomb’s Law, Charge Is Quantized, Charge Is Conserved. Electric Fields: The Electric Field, The Electric Field Due to A Charged Particle, The Electric Field Due to A Dipole, The Electric Field Due to A Line of Charge, The Electric Field Due to A Charged Disk, A Point Charge in An Electric Field, A Dipole In An Electric Field. Gauss’ Law: Electric Flux, Gauss’ Law, A Charged Isolated Conductor, Applying Gauss’ Law: Cylindrical Symmetry, Applying Gauss’ Law: Planar Symmetry, Applying Gauss’ Law: Spherical Symmetry. Electric Potential: Electric Potential, Equipotential Surfaces and The Electric Field, Potential Due to A Charged Particle, Potential Due to An Electric Dipole, Potential Due to A Continuous Charge Distribution, Calculating the Field from The Potential, Electric Potential Energy of a System Of, Potential Of A Charged Isolated Conductor. Capacitance: Capacitance, Calculating the Capacitance, Capacitors in Parallel and In Series, 25-4 Energy Stored in An Electric Field, 25-5 Capacitor with A Dielectric, 25-6 Dielectrics And Gauss’ Law. Current and Resistance: 26-1 Electric Current, 26-2 Current Density, 26-3 Resistance and Resistivity, 26-4 Ohm’s Law, 26-5 Power, Semiconductors, Superconductors. Circuits: 27-1 Single-Loop Circuits, 27-2 Multiloop Circuits, 27-3 The Ammeter and The Voltmeter, 27-4 RC Circuits. Magnetic Fields: 28-1 Magnetic Fields and The Definition Of, 28-2 Crossed Fields: Discovery of The Electron, 28-3 Crossed Fields: The Hall Effect, 28-4 A Circulating Charged Particle, 28-5 Cyclotrons And Synchrotrons, 28-6 Magnetic Force On A Current-Carrying Wire, 28-7 Torque On A Current Loop, 28-8 The Magnetic Dipole Moment. Magnetic Fields Due to Currents: 29-1 Magnetic Field Due To A Current, 29-2 Force Between Two Parallel Currents, 29-3 Ampere’s Law, 29-4 Solenoids and Toroids, 29-5 A Current-Carrying Coil As A Magnetic Dipole. Induction and Inductance: 30-1 Faraday’s Law And Lenz’s Law, 30-2 Induction And Energy Transfers, 30-3 Induced Electric Fields, 30-4 Inductors And Inductance, 30-5 Self-Induction, 30-6 RL Circuits, 30-7 Energy Stored In A Magnetic Field, 30-8 Energy Density Of A Magnetic Field, 30-9 Mutual Induction. Electromagnetic Oscillations And Alternating Current: 31-1 LC Oscillations, 31-2 Damped Oscillations In An RLC Circuit, 31-3 Forced Oscillations Of Three Simple Circuits, 31-4 The Series RLC Circuit, 31-5 Power In Alternating-Current Circuits, 31-6 Transformers.
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Menguasai konsep-konsep esensial kemagnetan, induktansi, rangkaian AC, gelombang elektromagnet, dan optika; dan mampu menjelaskan secara ilmiah fenomena alam dan produk teknologi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang berhubungan dengan konsep-konsep tersebut.
  • Menguasai konsep-konsep esensial kemagnetan, induktansi, rangkaian AC, gelombang elektromagnet, dan optika; dan mampu menjelaskan secara ilmiah fenomena alam dan produk teknologi dalam kehidupan sehari-hari yang berhubungan dengan konsep-konsep tersebut.
  • Memahami konsep-konsep esensial teori relativitas khusus dan fisika kuantum beserta pemikiran yang melandasi lahirnya teori relativitas khusus dan fisika kuantum sebagai pilar fisika modern; dan menyadari bahwa fisika merupakan ilmu terus berkembang.
  • Memahami konsep-konsep esensial teori relativitas khusus dan fisika kuantum beserta pemikiran yang melandasi lahirnya teori relativitas khusus dan fisika kuantum sebagai pilar fisika modern; dan menyadari bahwa fisika merupakan ilmu terus berkembang.
Daftar Pustaka:
  • Halliday, D., & Resnick, R. 2014. Fundamental of Physics, Tenth Edition. New York: Wiley.
  • Serwey, R. A., & Jewet, J. W. 2004. Physics for Scientist and Engineers, 6th edition. California: Thomson Books/Cole.
  • Knight, R. D. 2013. Physics for Scientist and Engineer a Strategic Approach, Third Edition. United State of America: Pearson Education.
  • Serway, R. A., & Vuille, C. 2015. Colledge Physics, Tenth Edition. United State of America: Cengage Learning.
  • Young, H. D. & Freedman, R. A. 2016. University Physics, 14th edition. United State of America: Pearson Education.