Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2021/2022
Functions: Representation of function, Mathematical models, Inequalities and Absolute Values, Functions and Their Graphs (graph of equations), Operations on Functions, Trigonometric functions, Logarithm function, Exponential function, Hyperbolic function, Inverse function (trigonometric function). Limits and Derivates: Limit Theorems, Limits Involving Trigonometric Functions, Limits at Infinity, Infinite Limit, Continuity of Function, Rules for Finding The Derivative, Derivatives of Trigonometric Functions, The Chain Rule, Higher-Order Derivative, Implicit Differentiation, Applications of the Derivative (Maxima and Minima, Monotonicity and Concavity Graphing Functions Using Calculus, The Mean Value Theorem for Derivatives, Tangent, velocity, and rate change); Partial Differentiation; Total Differentials; Chain Rule or Differentiating a Function of a Function, Application of Partial Differentiation (Maximum and Minimum Problems with Constraints; Lagrange Multipliers, Endpoint or Boundary Point Problems, Change of Variables), Differentiation of Integrals; Leibniz’ Rule. Vector and Matrices: Vectors, Lines and Planes, Matrices; Row Reduction, Determinants; Cramer’s Rule, Matrix Operations, Special Matrices and Formulas, Eigen-values and Eigenvectors; Diagonalizing Matrices, Applications of Diagonalization. Integrals: Single Integral (definite/indefinite), Techniques of integrations, Double and Triple Integrals, Applications of Integration; Single and Multiple Integrals (Area of a Plane Region, Volumes of Solid, Volumes of Solids of Revolution, Length of a Plane Curve, Work and Fluid Force, Moments and Centre of Mass), Change of Variables in Integrals; Jacobians, Line and Surface Integrals
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Menguasai konsep esensial fungsi, limit, turunan, integral, dan menerapkannya untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan matematika atau fisika yang terkait secara tepat, sistematis, mandiri, bertanggungjawab, dan memanfaatkan perkembangan ipteks.
Daftar Pustaka:
  • Mary L. Boas, 2006, Mathematical Methods in The Physical Sciences, 3th edition
  • Edwin J Purcell, 2006, Caculus with Differential Equations, 9th edition, Pearson