Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2021/2022

This course centers on learning the working mechanisms that build up a
dramatic script as it is a text not to read but to perform. Within this light,
students will work on two levels of dramatic text: the scriptural and the stagial.
This course introduces the working systems of dramatic scripts that structurize
the formal and intrinsic elements of scripts. Students will learn to master and
reproduce dramatic mechanisms such as kinesics arrangement, setting
management, thematic systemization, characterization, and property
organization in both textual and stagial levels in their academic/professional
spheres. They will also learn to do elementary literary research using ICT, to
adapt to a workplace situation using critical - analytical thinking, and to offer
creative solutions when facing academic and social/cultural challenges.

Capaian Pembelajaran
  • 1. analyze and relate the concepts of drama as one of literary genres

  • 2. identify the elements of drama, literary, technical and performance as part
    of analyzing drama scripture

  • 3. understand the literary concepts, history of English drama as one of
    English literary genres

  • 4. analyze and adapt the elements of drama as a language practice, and

  • 5. collaboratively adapt a scripture of a drama into stagial performance.

Daftar Pustaka:
  • 1. Reaske, C.R. 1966. How to Analyze Drama. New York: Monarch Press.

  • 2. Krasner, D. 2012. A History of Modern Drama. Sussex, UK: Wiley-

  • 3. Barnet, S., Burto, W., Cain, W.E. 2004. An Introduction to Literature, 13 th
    edition. New York: Longman Pearson.

  • 4. Carlson, Marvin. 1984. Theories of The Theatre: A Historical and Critical
    Survey, from the Greeks to the Present. Cornell, USA: Cornell University

  • 5. Krasner, David. 2005. A Companion to Twentieth Century American
    Drama. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing.

  • 6. Milne, Ira Mark. 2008. Drama for Students; Presenting Analysis, Context
    and Criticism. Farmington Hills, MI: Gale Cengage Learning.

  • 7. Levin, Irina. Igor. 1992. Working on The Play and The Role: Stanislavsky
    Method for Analyzing the characters in a drama. Chicago: Ivan R. Dee.

  • 8. Rosenberg, M. 2009. Acting On Stage and Off. Boston, USA: Wadsworth
    Cengage Learning.

  • 9. O’Toole J., Stinson M. 2009. Drama and Language: Drama and
    Curriculum: A Giant at The Door. Springer: Australia.