Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2021/2022

This course provides the students with some practical knowledge of material
development, and the ability to develop teaching and learning materials (tech and non
tech-based). Students will learn to produce a map which lists themes, topics, language
functions and structures; select texts; select language skills; produce students’
worksheets and tasks; and select communicative activities including the ones for
literature appreciation for high school students of language departments.

Capaian Pembelajaran
  • 1. Apply the theoritical issues related to material development specifically in
    lower and upper secondary schools.

  • 2. Produce a map which lists themes, topics, language functions and structures.

  • 3. Select texts and language skills.

  • 4. Select communicative activities (tech and non tech ones).

  • 5. Produce students’ worksheets and tasks.

Daftar Pustaka:
  • 1. Anderson, M & K. Anderson. 1995. Text Types in English.

  • 2. Dudeney, G & Hockly, N. 2007. How to Teach English with Technology.
    Edinburgh: Pearson Edu Ltd.

  • 3. Kemendikbud. 2016. Permendikbud 2016 for SMP and SMA. Jakarta:

  • 4. McGrath, I.2002. Materials Evaluation and Design for Language Teaching.
    Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

  • 5. Tomlinson, B. (Ed.). 2011. Materials Development in Language
    Teaching.Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

  • 6. On-line reference on Curriculum 2013 (Slideshare:

  • 7. On-line reference on Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan.

  • 8. On-line Buku Siswa for SMP and SMA.