Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2021/2022
Simple Harmonic Motion: 1. Displacement in Simple Harmonic Motion, 2. Velocity and Acceleration in Simple Harmonic Motion, 3. Energy of a Simple Harmonic Oscillator, 4. Simple Harmonic Oscillations in an Electrical System, 5. Superposition of Two Simple Harmonic Vibrations in One Dimension, 6. Superposition of a Large Number n of Simple Harmonic Vibrations. Damped Simple Harmonic Motion: Methods of Describing the Damping of an Oscillator. The Forced Oscillator: 1. Behaviour of a Forced Oscillator, 2. Problem on Vibration Insulation, 3. Significance of the Two Components of the Displacement Curve, 4. The Q-Value in Terms of the Resonance Absorption Bandwidth, 5. The Q-Value as an Amplification Factor, 6. The Effect of the Transient Term. Coupled Oscillations: 1. Stiffness (or Capacitance) Coupled Oscillators, 2. Normal Coordinates, Degrees of Freedom and Normal Modes of Vibration, 3. The General Method for Finding Normal Mode Frequencies, Matrices, Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues, 4. Mass or Inductance Coupling, 5. Coupled Oscillations of a Loaded String, 6. The Wave Equation. Transverse Wave Motion: 1. The Wave Equation, 2. Reflection and Transmission of Waves on a String at a Boundary, 3. Reflection and Transmission of Energy, 4. The Reflected and Transmitted Intensity Coefficients, 5. Standing Waves on a String of Fixed Length, 6. Energy of a Vibrating String, 7. Wave Groups and Group Velocity, 8. Wave Group of Many Components (The Bandwidth Theorem), 9. Transverse Waves in a Periodic Structure, 10. Linear Array of Two Kinds of Atoms in an Ionic Crystal, 11. Doppler Effect. Longitudinal Waves: 1. Sound Waves in Gases, 2. Energy Distribution in Sound Waves, 3. Intensity of Sound Waves, 4. Longitudinal Waves in a Solid, 5. Longitudinal Waves in a Periodic Structure, 6. Reflection and Transmission of Sound Waves at Boundaries, 7. Reflection and Transmission of Sound Intensity. Waves in More than One Dimension: 1. Plane Wave Representation in Two and Three Dimensions, 2. Wave Equation in Two Dimensions, 3. Wave Guides, 4. Normal Modes and the Method of Separation of Variables, 5. Two-Dimensional Case, 6. Three-Dimensional Case, 7. Normal Modes in Three Dimensions.
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Menguasai konsep-konsep esensial Gerak Harmonis Sederhana, Gerak Harmonis Sederhana Teredam, Osilasi Terpaksa, Osilasi Tergandeng.
  • Menguasai konsep-konsep esensial gelombang, Gerak Gelombang Transversal, Gelombang Longitudinal, Gelombang Dua danTiga Dimensi
  • Menguasai konsep-konsep esensial osilasi medan EM, gelombang EM, spektrum GEM, Perambatan Cahaya, Polarisasi, Interferensi, Difraksi.
Daftar Pustaka:
  • Pain, H.J. 2005. The Physics of Vibrations and Waves 6th. John Wiley and Sons.
  • French, A.P. 1971. Vibrations and Waves (The M.I.T. Introductory Physics Series). CRC Press.