Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2021/2022

Capaian Pembelajaran
  • A. Konsep dan ruang lingkup fotografi
  • B. Prinsip lighting dan treatment
  • C. Project product
  • D. Project ILM
Daftar Pustaka:
  • 1. Buselle, Michael, Digital Photography, David & Charles, London, 2002 2. Chris Gatcum, The Beginners Photography Guide. The Ultimate Step-by-Step Manual for Getting The Must From 3. Child John, Essential Skills, Photographic Lighting, Focal Press Oxford Auckland Boston Johannesburg Melbourn, 1999 4. Andreas, Principles of Composition in Photography, London,1973 5. Freeman, Michael, Mastering Digital Photography, 2013 6. Freeman, Michael, Basic Photography (Guide Book), USA, 2004 7. Goodman, Masters of Photography River Golden, Hongkong. 2013 8. Hedgecoes, John, Introductory Photography Course, Reed International Book Ltd, London, 1994 9. Still Life Photography (the light) USA, 1999 10. Studio Lighting, Brook Intstitute. 1996