Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2021/2022
Equilibrium and State Quantities: 1. Introduction; 2. Systems, phases and state quantities; 3. Equilibrium and temperature—the zeroth law of thermodynamics; 4. Kinetic theory of the ideal gas; 5. Pressure, work and chemical potential; 6. Heat and heat capacity; 7. The equation of state for a real gas; 8. Specific heat; 9. Changes of state—reversible and irreversible processes; 10. Exact and inexact differentials, line integrals. The Laws of Thermodynamics: 1. The first law; 2. Carnot's process and entropy; 3. Entropy and the second law; 4. Insertion: Microscopic interpretation of entropy and of the second law; 5. Global and local equilibrium; 6. Thermodynamic engines; 7. Euler's equation and the Gibbs-Duhem relation. Phase Transitions and Chemical Reactions: 1. Gibbs' Phase Rule; 2. Phase equilibrium and the Maxwell construction; 3. The law of mass action; 4. Application of the laws of thermodynamics. Thermodynamic Potentials: 1. The principle of maximum entropy; 2. Entropy and energy as thermodynamic potentials; 3. The Legendre transformation; 4. The free energy; 5. The enthalpy; 6. The free enthalpy; 7. The grand potential; 8. The transformation of all variables; 9. The Maxwell relations; 10. Jacobi transformations; 11. Thermodynamic stability.
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Menguasai body of knowledge termodinamika dan mampu menerapkan serta menganalisis masalah-masalah yang terkait secara tepat dan kreatif
Daftar Pustaka:
  • NAG, P.K. 2002. Basic and Applied Thermodynamics, New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill.
  • Zemansky, M.W. and Dittman. 1981. Heat and Thermodynamics. New York Mc Graw Hill.
  • Sonntag, R.E. 2002. Fundamentals of Thermodynmics. 5ed. New York: John Wiley &Sons,Inc.