Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2021/2022
Membahas pengertian, tujuan, lingkup penelitian dan pengembangan, potensi masalah, populasi yang diperlukan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan, desain dan perencanaan produk, intrumen dan teknik analisis data, pengujian produk, langkah langkah penelitian pengembangan menurut beberapa ahli (Borg and Gall, Thiagarajan (4 D), Robert Maribe Branch (ADDIE) , Richey and Klein, Tjeerd Plomp & Nienke Nieveen, Dick and Carry, Willis & Wright (R2D2), dll). Pada akhir kuliah mahasiswa diharapkan dapat menyusun usulan penelitian dan pengembangan untuk disertasi
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Memahami pengertian, tujuan, orientasi penelitian dan pengembangan, potensi masalah, responden yang diperlukan dalam penelitian dan pengembangan, desain dan perencanaan produk, intrumen dan teknik analisis data, pengujian produk
  • Menganalisis prinsip, langkah langkah, orientasi produk penelitian pengembangan dari berbagai tipe model (Classrooms oriented model, Product oriented model, dan System oriented model) beberapa ahli (Borg and Gall, Thiagarajan (4 D), Model Henich, Molenda, Russell, dan Smaldino (ASSURE), Robert Maribe Branch (ADDIE), Model Hanafin and Peck, Richey and Klein, Tjeerd Plomp & Nienke Nieveen, Dick and Carry, Willis & Wright (R2D2), dll.
  • Menganalisis kritis tiga artikel jurnal ilmiah hasil penelitian pengembangan pendidikan dalam bidang biologi/sains
  • Terampil mengembangkan desain pembelajaran dengan menerapkan langkah-langkah penelitian pengembangan menurut ahli tertentu secara konsisten
Daftar Pustaka:
  • Akker, J. van den. 1999. Principles and Methods of Development Research. Dalam Plomp, T; Nieveen, N; Gustafson, K; Branch, R.M; dan van den Akker, J (eds). Design Approaches and Tools in Education and Training. London: Kluwer Academic Publisher
  • Borg, W.R. and Gall, M.D. 1983. Educational Research: An Introduction. London: Longman, Inc.
  • Branch, Robert Maribe. Instructional Design : The ADDIE Approach. New York : Springer Science & Business Media, LLC. 2009.
  • Dick, W. And Carey, L. 1996. The Systematic Design of Instruction. New York: Harper Collin Publishers.
  • Lee, W.W., Owens. D.L. 2004. Multimedia-Based Instructional Design. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons Inc
  • Nieveen, N. 1999. Prototyping to Reach Product Quality. Dalam Plomp, T; Nieveen, N; Gustafson, K; Branch, R.M; dan van den Akker, J (eds). Design Approaches and Tools in Education and Training. London: Kluwer Academic Publisher
  • Plomp, Tj. 1997. Educational Design: Introduction. From Tjeerd Plomp (eds). Educational & Training System Design: Introduction. Design of Education and Training (in Dutch).Utrecht (the Netherlands): Lemma. Netherland.Faculty of Educational Science and Technology, University of Twente.
  • Plomp, Tj & Wolde, J. van den. 1992. The General Model for Systematical Problem Solving. From Tjeerd Plomp (Eds.). Design of Educational and Training (in Dutch). Utrecht (the Netherlands): Lemma. Netherland. Faculty of Educational Science and Technology, University of Twente. Enschede the Netherlands
  • Thiagarajan, S; Semmel, D.S; & Semmel, M.I. 1974. Instructional Development for Training Teachers of Exceptional Children: A Sourcebook. Indiana: Indiana University
  • Willis, J., Jost, M.B. & Mumma, P. 1999. R2D2: A Constructivist/ Interpretivist Instructional Design Model. Dalam Price, J.D., Willis, J., Willis, D.A., Jost, M. & Boger-Mehall, S (Eds.), SITE 99: Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference. Proceedings. Texas: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education.
  • Willis, J. & Wright, K.E. 2000. A General Set of Procedures for Contructivist Instructional Design: The New R2D2 Model. Educational Technology, March-April, 5-20.
  • van den Akker, J., Bannan, B., Kelly, A.E., Nieveen,N., Plomp. T. 2007. An Introduction to Educational Design Research. From Plomp,T & Nieveen, N (editors). Proceedings of the seminar conducted at the East China Normal University, Shanghai (PR China), November 23-26, 2007.