Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2021/2022
Paper matematika, anatomi paper matematika, masalah matematika, metodologi kajian matematika, kerangka proposal penelitian matematika
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • 1. Mampu merumuskan proposal penelitian yang solutif dengan memperhatikan kebaharuan data dan originalitas masalah
Daftar Pustaka:
  • David Evans, Paul Gruba, and Justin Zobel. 2014. How to Write a Better Thesis. Springer Cham Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London
  • Jerzy Trzeciak. 1995. Writing Mathematical Papers in English a practical guide. European Mathematical Society.
  • Steven R. Terrel. 2016. Writing a Proposal for Your Dissertation Guidelines and Examples . The Guilford Press
  • Indriati Nurul Hidayah and Purwanto. 2014. Minimum Number of Vertices of Graphs without Perfect Matching, with Given Edge Connectivity and Minimum and Maximum Degrees. JCMCC 88, 191-198.
  • Purwanto. 2019. Conditions for the Terms of an Arithmetic Sequence to Form a Multiplicative Modular Group. The Mathematical Gazette, 103(33), 504 – 508.
  • Purwanto and Fryska Ayu. 2020. Odd star Decomposition of Complete Bipartite Graphs. AIP Conference Proceedings 2215, 070013
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