Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2021/2022
This course helps students learn basic statistic concepts so that they can understand basic statistical analysis used in research reports and can apply basic statistics in analyzing their research data. This course discusses basic statistical concepts, covering frequency distribution, central tendencies, variabilities, normal distribution, hypothesis testing, comparing two means, and correlation.
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Explain the fundamental concepts in statistics
  • Classify raw data using frequency distributions
  • Show how to obtain and interpret descriptive statistics using measures of central tendencies and variability
  • Make use of the properties of normal distributions to make predictions
  • Test hypotheses using scientific investigation
  • Test the difference between two means or more
  • Test correlation hypotheses to find relationships between two variables
  • Demonstrate overall knowledge of statistics methods learned during the semester by applying them well in solving various problems of quantitative research
Daftar Pustaka:
  • Butler, Christopher. 1985. Statistics in Linguistics. New York: Blackwell.