Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2022/2023

Capaian Pembelajaran
Daftar Pustaka:
  • Dirjen Belmawa. 2013. ModulPembelajaran Kewirausahaan di Perguruan Tinggi. Jakarta: Dirjen Dikti Kemdikbud. Grange, Michele M. , Sterling, Tina M. And Cantrell, Ann . 2019. Fashion Entrepreneurship: Retail Business Planning 3rd Edition. Publisher: Fairchild Books. Hisrich. 2016. Entrepreneurship 10 edition. Publisher : McGraw-Hill;by Jong, Joanne Yulan. 2017. The Fashion Switch: The New Rules of the Fashion Business. Publisher: Rethink Press. Mujiburrahman. 2019.Technopreneurship Millennial. Aceh: lembaga Komunitas Teknologi Aceh (KITA). Neck, Heidi M. ; Neck, Christopher P. and Murray, Emma L. 2020. Entrepreneurship: The Practice and Mindset 2nd Edition. Publisher: SAGE Publications, Inc. Prawiranegara, S. 2014. Ekonomi dan Keuangan. Jakarta: Dunia Pustaka Jaya Saiman. L. 2014. Kewiraushaan (Teori, Praktik, dan Kasus-kasus). Jakarta: Salemba Empat Sangadji, E.M. dan Sopiah. 2014. Perilaku Konsumen Pendekatan Praktis. Yogyakarta: Andi Publisher Scarborough, Norman M. And Cornwall, Jeffrey R. 2018. Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management (9th Edition). Publisher: Pearson. Siregar, D., dkk. 2020.Technopreneurship: Strategi dan Inovasi. Aceh: Yayasan KITA Slamet, F. dan Tunjungsari., H.K. 2014. Dasar-Dasar Kewirausahaan: Teori &Praktik . Jakarta: Indeks Widana, I.K. 2020. Buku Ajar Technopreneurship – Panduan Bisnis Berbasis Teknologi. Bandung: Panca Tera Prima Taylor, Mansfield. 2019. How to Start a Clothing Company: Learn Branding, Business, Outsourcing, Graphic Design, Fabric, Fashion Line Apparel, Shopify, Fashion, Social Media, and Instagram Marketing Strategy Audible Audiobook. MC. Publishing