Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2022/2023
Why Philosophy of Science?: 1. The relationship between science and philosophy, 2. Scientific question and question about science, 3. Modersn science as philosophy. Explanation, Causation, and Laws: 1. Description and explanation in science, 2. How laws of nature help one to explain phenomena, 3. Establishing a law of nature, 4. Theoritical ideas and the world, 5. The structure of theories: laws, hypotheses and principles, 6. Different kinds of laws and principles, 7. Are laws of nature necessary or contingent?, 8. Are laws of nature restricted generalizations or maxims. Introducing The Physics?: 1. Logic and the physical science, 2. Popular physics and the layman. How Physics Work?: 1. Physics presents new ways of regarding old phenomena, 2. New points of view come with new inferring techniques, 3. Inferring techniques and models are the core of discoveries, 4. The place of mathematics and of models in physics, 5. Theories and observations are not deductively connected, 6. Physics is not the natural history of inert, 7. The crucial difference between physics and natural history
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Menguasai dasar-dasar sains antara lain mampu membedakan proses sains dan non sains, metode induksi dan deduksi, memahami metode ilmiah, hirarki dan terminologi sains dan keterbatasannya sebagai pembentuk nilai-nilai kemanusiaan.
  • Menunjukkan nilai-nilai sains sebagai nilai-nilai kemanusiaan dengan perilaku mandiri, bertanggungjawab, kreatif, disiplin dalam kehidupan sosial kemasyarakatan yang beraneka ragam.
Daftar Pustaka:
  • Rosenberg, A. 2005. Philosophy of Science: A contemporary introduction, second edition. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Balashov, Y., & Rosenberg, A. 2002. Philosophy of Science: A contemporary introduction. New York and London: Routledge.
  • Toulmin, S. 1953. The Philosophy of Science. London: Hutchinson’s University Library.
  • Wonorahardjo, S. 2009. Dasar-Dasar Sains, Menciptakan Masyarakat Sadar Sains, Indeks.
  • Chalmers, A.F. 1982. What is This Thing Called Science?, St. Lucia:.University of Queensland Press.
  • Darmodjo, H. 1986. Filsafat Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, Jakarta: Penerbit Karunika-Universitas Terbuka.
  • Gie, T. L. 2000. Pengantar Filsafat Ilmu, Yogyakarta: Penerbit Liberty.
  • Keraf S. & Dua, M. 2001. Ilmu Pengetahuan Sebuah Tinjauan Filosofis, Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
  • Kleden, I. 1987. Sikap Ilmiah dan Kritik Kebudayaan, Jakarta: LP3ES.
  • Kuhn, T.S. 1996. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, London: The University of Chicago Press.ax
  • Leahy, L. H. 2002. Manusia, Dari Pengetahuan ke Kebijaksanaan, Yogyakarta: Kanisius.
  • Suriasumantri, J. S. 1999. Ilmu dalam Perspektif, Yayasan Obor Indonesia.