Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2022/2023

This course provides students with theoretical backgrounds as well as practice and exercises in translating various
types of written English texts up to a pre-intermediate level of difficulty from English to Indonesian. It develops
students’ knowledge and understanding of the fundamental theories, concepts and techniques of translation in
anticipating the growing need for professional translators in the market. The translation practice materials
emphasize grammatical, lexical, textual and (oftentimes) cultural adjustments. In addition, this course provides
students with the necessary skill in using electronic dictionaries, translation software and Internet resouces in
order to produce the most readable, smooth, seamless and accurate translation for their academic as well as
professional lives.

Capaian Pembelajaran
  • a. Translate and interpret various English legal, business, and technical texts and discourses at
    advanced difficulty level into Indonesian and from Indonesian into English

  • b. Make the best use of available translation tools and resources in order to produce satisfactory
    and context-specific translation and interpreting work (capitalizing on their proficiency in using
    and maximizing Electronic dictionaries and online resources)

  • c. Perform translation and interpretation projects, satisfy technical standards of business,
    technical and legal translation and interpretation from English into Indonesian and from
    Indonesian into English

  • d. Make their best use of translation as well as interpreting techniques and strategies when
    translating problematic texts involving terms, jargons, and specific idioms from English into
    Indonesian and vice versa

  • e. Perform interpreting work satisfactorily in simulated situations

Daftar Pustaka:
  • Arrowsmith, William & Roger Shattuck (eds.) (1961): The Craft and Context of Translation, Austin: University
    Of Texas Press, 1961.

  • Baker, Mona (1992): In Other Words: A Coursework on Translation, London: Routledge.

  • Baker, Mona (1998): The Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies, London, Routledge.

  • Bell, Roger. T (1991): Translation and Translating: theory and practice, London: Longman (1991)

  • Brower, Reuben A. (ed.) (1959): On Translation, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

  • Warren, Rosanna (ed.)(1989): The Art of Translation. Voices from the Field, Boston: Northeastern University Press.