Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2022/2023
This course aims to give students practice using analytic skills that will help them improve or develop a greater appreciation and understanding for the diversity and complexity of culture, and for the variety of challenges inherent in working in other cultural environments with people of other cultures through cross cultural understanding. The focus will be on the cultures of English speaking countries and how they compare to Indonesian culture.
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • mention the definition(s) of culture
  • explain different aspects of culture: the W-curve, cross-cultural conflict and adjustments, etc
  • analyze cross- and inter-cultural understanding experiences obtained from observations and interviews
  • employ various strategies in understanding cross- and intercultural problems in communication
  • perform and/or present cultural products as proof of your cross- and intercultural values understanding
Daftar Pustaka:
  • Genzel, Rhona B. and Cummings, Martha Grave.1994. Culturally Speaking.
  • Hofstede, Gert Jan, Pedersen, Paul B.and Hofstede, Geerts. 2002. Exploring Culture.
  • Levine, Deena R.and Adelman, Mara. 1993. Beyond Language: Cross Cultural Communication.
  • Other sources relevant to the topics under discussion