Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2022/2023
This course contains the concepts, theories related to retailing, including: Introduction to retail business management, retail business classification, multi channel retail, strategy and strategic planning in retail, strategy and retai mix, retail differentiation, merchandise Management, communication in retail consumer behavior, competitive advantage in retail, financial strategy, MSDM in retail, etc. And review of research related to retail business management
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Memahami konsep dan teori manajemen bisnis ritel l
  • Menganalisa bisnis ritel dan merencanakan strategi bisnis ritel
  • Menentukan dan menjelaskan keunggulan kompetitif dari sebuah perusahaan ritel
Daftar Pustaka:
  • Sopiah and Shihabudin. 2008. Manajemen Bisnis Ritel. Yogyakarta. Andi Offset. (B.8)
  • Asep ST Sujana. 2007. Paradigma baru dalam Manajemen Ritel Modern. Jakarta: Graha Ilmu. (B.7)
  • Kartono, Salim.2007. 5 Jurus Sukses Berbisnis Retail di Modern Market. Jakarta:
  • Transmedia Pustaka. (B.9)
  • Bob Foster.2008. Manajemen Ritel. Bandung: Alfabeta.. (B.10)
  • Bond, L. Ronald, 2005. Ritel in Detail, Enterpentur Jakarta: Media (b.11)
  • Ma ‘ruf Hendry, 2005. Pemasaran Ritel, Jakarta, PT. Gramedia Pustaka. (B.12)
  • Alan West. 1988. Ritel Bisnis. England: Gower Publishing Company. (B.1)
  • Barry Berman and Joel R. Evans. 2013. Retail Management A. Strategic Approach..
  • England: Pearson Education. (B2)
  • John Fernie & Leigh Sparks. 2010. Logistics & Retail Management. The Institute of Logistics & Transfort. (B.3)
  • Levy Michael and Weitz, Barton A. 2012. Retailing Management. New York: The. Mc.
  • Graw Hiil. (B.4)
  • Levy Weitz, 2008. Multi Chaneel Retailing. The Mc. Graw-Hill Company,Inc. (B.5)
  • Roger D. Black Well, Paul W. Miniard, James F, Engel. 2007. Customer Behavior. Prentice Hall,Inc. (B.6)