Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2023/2024
(1) Definition of crystal symmetry 230 groups, natural and artificial crystal systems. (2) Crystal Symmetry in 1D, 2D, 3D (3) Class name of Crystallography. (4) Space Group of conventional crystal system. (5) Wyckoff Tables and International Crystallographic Tables. (6) Crystal Structure Factors, atomic factors, temperature factors, chemical and physical pressure factors. (7) EM and crystals interaction (diffraction, optics). (8) Basic geometry system analysis such as TREOR, DICVOL. (9) Data conversion from various diffractometer machines and various software. (10) Identification of manual phases of graphics, curves, fitting 2θ, Rietveld fittings such as CheckCell, CellRef. (11) Crystallinity, grain size, purity phase.
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Peserta menunjukkan penguasaan terhadap konsep keilmuan kristalografi, kemampuan membuat keputusan hasil analisis imformasi dari data pengukuran karakterisasi bahan.
  • Melalui kerja Proyek, peserta menunjukkan konsep-konsep teoritis dan prinsip-prinsip bidang khusus fisika, yaitu Fisika Material Maju; mampu mendiseminasikan hasil kajian masalah dan perilaku fisis dalam bentuk lisan, tulisan, dan visual sesuai kaidah ilmiah baku yang bebas plagiasi; mampu menunjukkan kinerja mandiri, bermutu, dan terukur.
Daftar Pustaka:
  • I.U.C.R, International Union of Crystallography, w.w.w.iucr.com.
  • M. M. Woolfson, 2003. An introduction to X-ray crystallography, digital print, Cambrgde U.P.
  • Pecharsky, V. K., dan Zhavali, P. Y., 2005. Fundamentals of powder diffraction and structural characterization of material, Springer (online).
  • C. Suryanarayana, M. Grant, X-ray diffraction; A Practical Approach, Plennum Press, N.Y (1998).
  • Sanat Kumar Chatterjee, 2008, Crystallography and the world of symmetry, Springer.