Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2023/2024
Mata kuliah ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji perkembangan ekonomi dan bisnis dalam era digital, bagaimana menjawab permasalahan yang kompleks mulai dari perubahan lingkungan ekonomi yang begitu cepat, perkembangan teknologi, perkembangan model bisnis baru, sampai pengembangan produk digital. Dalam mata kuliah ini diperlukan beberapa pemahaman mengenai ilmu ekonomi dan bisnis. Mempelajari mata kuliah ini mahasiswa diharapkan memahami konsep dan praktik tentang kemampuan menangkap peluang dari perubahan lingkungan yang cepat dan mampu menuangkannya dalam sebuah model bisnis berbasis digital. Metode yang digunakan dalam mata kuliah ini adalah perpaduan konsep ceramah, presentasi, studi kasus, dan self learning / learn by project. Melalui kuliah ini, mahasiswa diharapkan memahami konsep ekonomi dan bisnis digital secara menyeluruh sehingga dapat diterapkan dalam kegiatan merancang sebuah produk digital.
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • 2. Student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the criteria for the development of a successful digital transformation plan and presentation.; the difference about social and business organization in digital era.
  • 3. Students will be able to analyze business environment and change; take opportunity and build their digital product and its business model.
  • 4. Students will be able to create a bussiness plan for their digital product (product design, operational, marketing, HR, and finance)
  • 5. Students will be able to present their product in pitching (quick presentation) and demonstrate their product.
  • 1. Student will be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of he rise and development of the concept of digital business; the development of competitive advantage through technology; contemporary trends and technology in digital businesses.
Daftar Pustaka:
  • 1) E-conomy SEA 2019
  • 2) Malecki, E.J. & Moriset, B. (2008). Digital Economy: Business Organization, Production, Processes, and regional development. London: Routledge.
  • 3) Skala, S. (2019). Digital Startups in Transition Economies: Challenges for Management, Entrepreneurship and Education. Cham: Palgrave Pivot.
  • 4) Lowrey, Y. (2018). The Alibaba Way: Rahasia Sukses Alibaba Menuju E-commerce No.1 Dunia. Jakarta: BIP
  • 5) Chaffey, D. (2015). Digital Business and E-Commerce Management: Strategy, Implementation, and Practise Sixth Eddition. London: Pearson .
  • 6) Wirtz, B.W. (2019). Digital Business Models: Concepts, Models, and The Aphabet Case Study.Switzerland: Springer.
  • 7) Chishti, S. & Barberis, J. 2016. The FINTECH Book: The Financial Technology Handbook for Investors, Entrepreneurs and Visionaries. Cornwall: Wiley.
  • 8) Lynn,T., Mooney, J.G., Rosati,J., & Cummins, M. (2019). Disrupting Finance: FinTech and Strategy in the 21st Century. Cham: Palgrave Pivot
  • 9) Baierl, R, Behrens, R, & Brem, A. (2019). Digital Entrepreneurship: Interfaces Between Digital Technologies And Entrepreneurship.Cham: Springer .
  • 10) Osterwalder, A. & Pigneur, Y. (2019).Business Model Generation. New Jersey: John Wiley & Son, Inc.