Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2023/2024
Mata kuliah ini membahas tentang sejarah psikologi olahraga, definisi dan objek psikologi olahraga, dan Menganalisis dan memahami objek psikologi olahraga
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Mahasiswa mampu Menganalisis dan memahami tentang sejarah psikologi olahraga, definisi dan objek psikologi olahraga, dan Menganalisis dan memahami objek psikologi olahraga
Daftar Pustaka:
  • Brown, R.I., 2017. Psychology and education of slow learners. Routledge
  • Tshube, T. and Hanrahan, S.J., 2016. Sport psychology in Botswana: A prime breeding ground. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 14(2), pp.126-134
  • Barkoukis, V., Lazuras, L. and Tsorbatzoudis, H. eds., 2015. The psychology of doping in sport. Routledge
  • Hutter, R.V., van der Zande, J.J., Rosier, N. and Wylleman, P., 2018. Education and training in the field of applied sport psychology in Europe. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 16(2), pp.133-149
  • Ten Hoor, G.A., Plasqui, G., Ruiter, R.A., Kremers, S.P., Rutten, G.M., Schols, A.M. and Kok, G., 2016. A new direction in Psychology and Health: Resistance exercise training for obese children and adolescents
  • Weinberg, R.S. and Gould, D., 2018. Foundations of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 7E. Human Kinetics
  • Schinke, R.J., Stambulova, N.R., Lidor, R., Papaioannou, A. and Ryba, T.V., 2016. ISSP position stand: Social missions through sport and exercise psychology. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 14(1), pp.4-22
  • Schinke, R.J., McGannon, K.R. and Smith, B. eds., 2016. Routledge international handbook of sport psychology. Routledge
  • Garn, A.C. and Wallhead, T., 2015. Social goals and basic psychological needs in high school physical education. Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology, 4(2), p.88
  • Duchesne, S. and McMaugh, A., 2018. Educational psychology for learning and teaching. Cengage AU
  • Schinke, R.J. and Hackfort, D. eds., 2016. Psychology in professional sports and the performing arts: Challenges and strategies. Routledge
  • Heine, S.J., 2015. Cultural psychology: third international student edition. WW Norton & company
  • Holmström, S., Lindberg, E. and Jansson, J., 2016. Entrepreneurial education embedded in sport psychology: a Swedish case study. Journal of Education and Training, 3(1), pp.126-138
  • Martin, J.J., 2017. Handbook of disability sport and exercise psychology. Oxford University Press
  • Ward, J., 2016. Psychology applied to education. Cambridge University Press