Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2023/2024
This course develops the students’ ability to read and comprehend popular articles and short stories (of about 2000-word long). The class activities focus on developing their reading strategies in identifying key words, making inferences, analysing figures of speech, analysing dictions, interpreting culture-bound dictions, analyzing juxtaposition, analyzing organization and development of ideas, identifying text types, and appreciating short stories.
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • Identify keywords in various types of English texts
  • Make inferences
  • Analyze figures of speech
  • Analyse dictions
  • Interpret culture-bound dictions
  • Analyze juxtaposition
  • Analyze organization and development of ideas
  • Identifying text types
  • Appreciate short stories
  • Identify keywords in various types of English texts
  • Make inferences
  • Analyze figures of speech
  • Analyse dictions
  • Interpret culture-bound dictions
  • Analyze juxtaposition
  • Analyze organization and development of ideas
  • Identifying text types
  • Appreciate short stories
Daftar Pustaka:
  • The course book contains a compilation of materials selected from the following sources: Anderson, M. and Anderson, K. 2003. Text Types in English. Book 1. South Yarra: Macmillan Education Australia PTY Ltd. Anderson, M. and Anderson, K. 2003. Text Types in English. Book 2. South Yarra: Macmillan Education Australia PTY Ltd. Angus, D. 1968. Best Short Stories of the Modern Age. New York: Fawcett World Library. Archer, M. 1977. Practice Tests for Proficiency. Middlesex: Nelson and Sons Ltd. Brown, H.D. 2001. Teaching by Principles. An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy. 2nd Edition. San Francisco: San Francisco State University. Cameron, S. 2009. Teaching Reading Comprehension Strategies. New York: Pearson Chekov, A. 1963. Selected Stories. Translated by Dunnigan, A. New York: The New American Library of Wolr Literature, Inc. Fitzgerald, F. S. 1996. The Diamond as Big as the Ritz and Other Stories. London: Penguin Books Ltd. Fowler, R. 1987. A Dictionary of Modern Critical Terms. Revised and Enlarged Edition. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul Ltd. Goodman, R. 1983. 75 Short Masterpieces. Stories from the World’s Literature. New York: Bantam Books. Greenall, S. and Swan, M. 1986. Effective Reading: Reading Skills for Advanced Students. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Hamdani, M., Rusli, R. S., and Timisela, C. M. 1985. Buku Materi Pokok Reading II. Modul III. Jakarta: Departemen Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, Universitas Terbuka. Haydn, H. and Cournos, J. 1947. A World of Great Stories. New York: Crown Publishers. Henry, O. ----. Great Work of O. Henry. Delhi: Black Rose Publications. Kennedy, X. J. and Giola, D. 2002. An Introduction to Fiction. New York: Longman. MacNamara, D.S. 2007. Reading Comprehension Strategies. Theories, Interventions, and Technologies. Abingdon: Routledge. Taylor & Francis Group. Malkoc, A. M. 1979. Road to Rading. Washington, D. C.: International Communication Agency. Martin, N. C., Griffiths, D. and Griffiths, A. M. 1959. Understanding and Enjoyment. Book III. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Nuttal, C. 1985. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language. Oxford: Heinemann International. Oka, M. D. D. 2001. Intermediate Reading Comprehension. Unpublished Coursebook. Oka, M. D. D., Suharmanto, Muthmainnah, S. N., and Darminah. 2008. Advanced Reading. Buku Materi Pokok UT. Jakarta: Pusat Penerbitan Universitas Terbuka. Poe, E. A. 1993. Tales of Mystery and Imagination. London: Everyman. Reaske, C. R. 1966. How to Analyze Poetry. New York: Monach Press. Sadler, R. K., Hayllar, T. A. S. and Powell, C. J. 1992. Enjoying Stories. Book 1. South Yarra: Macmillan Education Australia PTY Ltd. Sadler, R. K., Hayllar, T. A. S. and Powell, C. J. 1992. Enjoying Stories. Book 2. South Yarra: Macmillan Education Australia PTY Ltd. Serravallo, J. 2015. The Reading Strategies Book. Your Everything Guide to Developing Skilled Reader. Portsmouth: Heinemann Wales, K. 2001. A Dictionary of Stylistics. 2nd Edition. Essex: Pearson Education Limited. ----. 2004. Popular French Stories. New Delhi: Crest Publishing House. ----. ----. Selected Short Stories. New Delhi: Shinjee’s Book International.
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