Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2023/2024
This course introduces students to the knowledge of the mental processes which underlie a human being’s ability to speak and understand language. This includes the elementary study of language acquisition, bilingualism, lexical storage and access, and memory that aim at initializing students’ critical thinking toward stages and processes of language development. The course also covers the relationship between language, mind, and brain for students to offer possible alternative solutions to language problems.
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • to develop detailed knowledge of psycholinguistic study and its key topics that will mainly include First Language Acquisition (FLA), Second Language Acquisition (SLA), and Third Language Acquisition (TLA)
  • to explore major theories in the specific area of language and the brain
  • to examine the methods used in psycholinguistic research
  • to conduct an oral presentation on the results of their own mini research.
Daftar Pustaka:
  • Clark, Eve V. 2009. First Language Acquisition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Crystal, David. 2003. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Language: Second Edition. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
  • Field, John. 2003. Psycholinguistics: A Resource Book for Students. London: Routledge
  • Hoff, E. (Ed). 2012. Research methods in child language: A practical guide. London: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Steinberg, D.D., H. Nagata, D.P. Aline 2001. Psycholinguistics: Language, Mind, and World. Boston: Pearson Education