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Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2023/2024
Merancang, menguji, dan menganalisis aplikasi elektronika terutama dalam bidang Internet of Things dan aplikasinya
Capaian Pembelajaran
  • - Menganalisis konsep dasar Internet of Things. - Menganalisis sistem kerja IOT/M2M. - Merancang dan menganalisis Sensing pada IoT. - Merancang dan menganalisis penerapan sensor pada IoT - Merancang dan menganalisis GUI pada IoT. - Merancang dan menganalisis penerapan kecerdasan buatan pada IoT
Daftar Pustaka:
  • 1. Chen, Y., et.al., ed. Februari, 2014. Time-Reversal Wireless Paradigm for Green Internet of Things. IEEE Internet of Things Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1. 2. Devadiga, K. 2013. IEEE 802.15.4 and the Internet of Things. Aalto Universtiy School of Science. 3. Di Marco, P., Athanasiou, G., Mekikis, P. V., & Fischione, C. 2013. MAC-aware Routing Metrics for the Internet of Things. arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.4632. 4. Dobkin, D. M., & Aboussouan, B. (2009). ―Low Power Wi-Fi™ (IEEE802.11) For IP Smart Objects‖. GainSpan Corporation. Gartner’s hype cycle special report for 2011.2012. 5. Gartner Inc. (http://www.gartner.com/technology/research/hy pe-cycles/) 6. Gubbi, J., et. al., ed. 2013. Internet of Things (IoT): A vision, architectural elements, and future directions. Future Generation Computer Systems. Elsevier, 2013. 7. Jain, R. 2013. Networking Protocols for Internet of Things. Washington University. 8. Ma, H. D. (2011). Internet of things: Objectives and scientific challenges. Journal of Computer science and Technology, 26(6), 919-924. 9. Marina, Mahesh, & Samir Das. 2001. Ad-hoc Ondemand Multipath Distance Vector (AOMDV) Routing. Lecture Presentation, University of Cincinnati. 10.Palattella, Maria Rita, et. al., ed. 2013. Standardized Protocol Stack For The Internet Of (Important) Things. Communications Surveys & Tutorials, IEEE (Volume:15 , Issue: 3 ), 2013. 11.Park, S. H., Cho, S., & Lee, J. R. 2014. EnergyEfficient Probabilistic Routing Algorithm for Internet of Things. Journal of Applied Mathematics. 12.Tozlu, S., et. al., ed. Juni, 2012. Wi-Fi Enabled Sensors for Internet of Things: A Practical Approach. Topics In Consumer Communications and Networking. IEEE Communication Magazine. Shelby, Z., Bormann, C. 2009, 6LoWPAN: The Wireless Embedded Internet. John Wiley & Sons Ltd. United Kingdom.
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