International Program

International Program

An international standard education program that involves partner universities abroad through collaborative programs and independent selection of new student admissions. This program consists of degree programs for new students and non-degree programs for students from partner universities abroad, also known as the inbound mobility program.


This program is organized by faculties and study programs through selection for new student admissions, consisting of international undergraduate program, double degree, and joint degree.


This program is organized by faculties, study programs, or other units within a certain period through an inbound mobility program includes short courses, summer courses, or similar programs.


A degree program in an international context is a comprehensive educational path that culminates in the awarding of an academic degree, such as a bachelor's, master's, or doctoral degree. These programs are designed to provide in-depth knowledge and specialized skills in a particular field of study. Here's a more detailed look at what a degree program entails:

  • ⁠Structured Curriculum: Degree programs follow a well-defined curriculum that spans several years, typically ranging from three to four years for undergraduate degrees and one to two years for graduate degrees. The curriculum includes a mix of core courses, electives, and sometimes general education requirements, ensuring a well-rounded academic experience; 
  • Coursework and Examinations: Students are required to complete various forms of coursework, including lectures, seminars, laboratory work, and group projects. Regular assessments, such as quizzes, midterms, finals, and research papers, are integral to evaluating students' understanding and progress;
  • Capstone Projects and Internships: Many degree programs include a capstone project, thesis, or internship as a requirement for graduation. These elements provide practical experience and the opportunity to apply theoretical knowledge to real-world problems. For instance, engineering students might work on a design project, while business students might complete an internship at a company; 
  • Accreditation and Recognition: Degrees obtained from internationally recognized programs are often accredited by relevant educational bodies, ensuring that they meet high academic standards. This accreditation is crucial for the degree's acceptance and recognition by employers and other educational institutions worldwide; 
  • Global Perspective and Cultural Exchange: Studying in an international degree program exposes students to diverse cultures and global perspectives, enhancing their intercultural communication skills and global awareness. This experience is invaluable in today’s interconnected world and can significantly boost career prospects; 
  • Career Opportunities: Graduates from international degree programs are often highly sought after by employers. The rigorous academic training, combined with the international exposure, prepares students for a wide range of career opportunities in their chosen field. Additionally, many degree programs offer career services, including job placement assistance, networking events, and career counseling.

Under Graduate

A bachelor's degree refers to the first level of higher education. This program is offered by undergraduate study programs in several faculties to obtain a bachelor's degree. These programs build knowledge and prepare individuals to work in a variety of fields. Below is a list of international class undergraduate degree study programs:

  1. Bachelor of Educational Technology –  View More …
  2. Bachelor of Special Education  View More …
  3. Bachelor of Mandarin Language Education  View More …
  4. Bachelor of Biotechnology  View More …
  5. Bachelor of Management  View More …
  6. Bachelor of Industrial Engineering  View More …
  7. Bachelor of Informatics Engineering  View More …
  8. Bachelor of Public Health Science  View More …
  9. Bachelor of Geography  View More …
  10. Bachelor of History Education  View More …
  11. Bachelor of Psychology  View More …
  12. Bachelor of Vocational Fashion Design  View More …


A graduate program, often referred to as a master's or doctoral program, is a course of study beyond the undergraduate level that allows students to specialize in a particular field or discipline. These programs typically require students to have completed a bachelor's degree and provide advanced coursework and training in the chosen area of study.

Faculty of Education

Faculty of Social

Faculty of Literature

Faculty of Engineering

faculty of Economics and Business

Vocational Faculty



Non-degree programs, often known as exchange programs, certificate programs, or short-term studies, provide specialized education without leading to a formal academic degree. These programs are designed for various purposes, such as professional development, personal enrichment, or cultural exchange. Here’s a closer look at what non-degree programs offer:

  • Flexibility and Focus: Non-degree programs are typically shorter and more flexible than degree programs, ranging from a few weeks to a year. They allow students to focus on specific skills or areas of interest without the long-term commitment required by degree programs. This makes them ideal for professionals looking to upskill or individuals exploring new fields; 
  • Specialized Courses: These programs offer targeted courses that cater to specific interests or professional needs. For example, a business professional might take a certificate course in digital marketing, while a student interested in cultural studies might enroll in an exchange program focusing on language and culture; 
  • Cultural and Language Immersion: Many non-degree programs emphasize cultural immersion and language acquisition. Students often have the opportunity to live with host families, participate in cultural activities, and engage with local communities. This immersive experience enhances language skills and provides a deep understanding of the host country's culture and customs; 
  • Professional Development: Non-degree programs are excellent for professional development, offering courses and training that can enhance career skills and improve job performance. These programs often include workshops, seminars, and practical training sessions led by industry experts;
  • Networking Opportunities: Participants in non-degree programs can build a global network of peers, instructors, and professionals. These connections can lead to future collaborations, job opportunities, and lifelong friendships. The diverse and international nature of these programs fosters a rich environment for networking;
  • Credentialing and Certification: While non-degree programs do not confer an academic degree, many provide certificates or credentials upon completion. These certificates can enhance a resume and demonstrate a commitment to ongoing education and skill development to employers.

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Last modified: Monday, 10 June 2024, 10:57 AM