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Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2019/2020

This course aims at providing students with principles in creative writing and giving models of writing
work. More particularly, it encourages the students to be creative in producing new writing work in
various forms (poetry and short stories) and genres for different target readers. By the end of this
course, students should be able to: analyze other people’s writing work to build experiences that can be
used as a basis to produce new writing works in various forms and genres; apply principles of creative
writing in the production of various forms and genres of writing work; and produce a number of new
writing work in various forms and genres.

Capaian Pembelajaran
  • 1. Identify main elements of prosaic texts

  • 2. Develop and manage prosaic elements in texts that show a good balance in poetic justice

  • 3. Identify main elements of poetic texts

  • 4. Develop and manage poetic elements in texts that show sounded imageries

  • 5. Identify main elements of dramatic texts

  • 6. Develop and manage dramatic elements in texts that show proper maintenance of dialogues

  • 7. Develop continuous learning habit which also integrates some practical level of ICE-wise

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