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Tahun Akademik:
Gasal 2021/2022

The content of the course covers a brief history of the evolution of English curriculum/syllabus in Indonesia beginning from the implementation of KBK 2004, Standard of Content 2006 and its implications (school-based curriculum=KTSP) to the current 2013 curriculum. The course is focused on theories of curriculum, syllabus development approaches, models of curriculum and syllabus, and the essential components of a curriculum, a syllabus and a lesson plan. It also gives students the philosophical perspectives and current policy in the implementation of 2013 curriculum (Permendikbud, 2016) covering core competencies, basic competencies, and the principles of formulating indicators of a particular basic competence.

Capaian Pembelajaran
  • apply the theoretical issues related to EFL curriculum design specifically in lower and upper secondary schools.

  • apply the theoretical issues related to EFL syllabus design specifically in lower and upper secondary schools.

  • analyze the quality of syllabi and lesson plans based on the criteria required.

  • revise existing syllabi and lesson plans for English instructions specifically in lower and upper secondary schools.

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