Advanced Reading 02214-PING6009-D-DE-20202
Course modified date: 9 Feb 2021
Tahun Akademik:
Genap 2020/2021
Capaian Pembelajaran
Genap 2020/2021
This course develops the students’ ability to read and comprehend popular and scientific articles (about 2500-word long). The class activities focus on developing their reading strategies in distinguishing between facts and opinion, inferring meanings, making generalization, identifying the writer’s tone, identifying the writer’s purpose, and identifyng the writer’s bias.
Capaian Pembelajaran
identify facts, non-facts, and opinions
identify facts, non-facts, and opinions
infer meanings
infer meanings
make generalizations
make generalizations
identify a writer's tone
identify a writer's tone
identify a writer’s purpose
identify a writer’s purpose
identify a writer’s bias
identify a writer’s bias
- Teacher: Utari Praba Astuti Dr. , M.A.
- Enrolled students: 33